A lab-grown diamond is a diamond in every way, shape and form. It has the exact same chemical, physical and optical make-up than a natural mined diamond, but instead of being formed under the pressure and heat of the Earths mantle, grown diamonds are grown in laboratory settings. Machinery in specialised laboratories mirror the heat and pressure conditions in order to grow diamonds quickly and in more cost effective ways.
Lab grown diamonds are formed when "seed", a tiny sliver of an existing diamond, is exposed to carbon, pressure and heat. The seed then grows atom by atom until a diamond is grown. The diamond is then cut and polished, just like a mined diamond, after which they get set into jewellery.
Natural or mined diamonds were formed in the earth around 150-200km deep in the ground, which means they are very expensive to mine. As they take so long to form under natural conditions they are also in short supply. In fact, most of the diamonds that exist today were formed between 1 and 3 billion years ago, when the earth was a lot hotter than it is now. There is a finite amount of these naturally occurring diamonds available on planet Earth, so they are priced accordingly.
Lab grown diamonds, because they are much faster to produce, are usually more cost effective, so if budget is a consideration lab grown diamonds might be suitable for you. We can source both conflict free mined diamonds, and lab grown diamonds, to help you choose the right stones for your special jewels.